Did you help out or attend any of the willhelps events or projects? Or, if you would just like to talk about anything concerning willhelps, we would like to hear what you think.
Hey Will,
The devastation in Haiti is truly overwhelming. I am skeptical of those opportunists who attempt to gather donations
and profit from the exchange. The group you have affiliated with appears to be both ethical and well established.
I am willing to forward your cause to my friends, allowing them the opportunity to participate in supporting survivors
in Haiti who have suffered great losses, and who will struggle to find sustainable existence in the coming months.
Kudos for your efforts, my friend. Compassion for our fellow human beings, especially at such a great distance,
is commendable and, unfortunately, all too uncommon in contemporary American culture. People will help given
the opportunity to trust those who will do what they promise, and deliver support to those truly in need.
Music is love.
Keep me posted,
David Starry
The devastation in Haiti is truly overwhelming. I am skeptical of those opportunists who attempt to gather donations
and profit from the exchange. The group you have affiliated with appears to be both ethical and well established.
I am willing to forward your cause to my friends, allowing them the opportunity to participate in supporting survivors
in Haiti who have suffered great losses, and who will struggle to find sustainable existence in the coming months.
Kudos for your efforts, my friend. Compassion for our fellow human beings, especially at such a great distance,
is commendable and, unfortunately, all too uncommon in contemporary American culture. People will help given
the opportunity to trust those who will do what they promise, and deliver support to those truly in need.
Music is love.
Keep me posted,
David Starry